Calling all fans!
Hi! StarmaidenWarrior here, currently filling the position of That Annoying New User. So, I have just created a new Shugo Chara fanon wikia, the Shugo Chara Creation Wiki! I would love it if you would come and check it out!
Re mold it
I honestly believe them is series could be redone I really did love the designs of the guardian characters but if they revise it in some way revealing more of the hearts of the characters I guess it would be super amazing imagine seeing tadese obtain a new guardian character representing something similar to his first guardian character but instead not some sort of ruthless ruler someone full of compassion. I want to the that design. Also I'm curious if amu could us over people guardian characters to transfrom then well I wanna see what the artist for the manga would do with not what can artist Make.
Gosh Dang It EchoPH Please Just Stop
How many times do me and megamiki need to exlain to you that Utau is 15-16 please stop changing her age to 14+. It's incorrect. You are incorrect and you need to stop.
Can someone take these pictures of these charas eggs in character transformation:
- Dia
- Suu
- Miki
- Kiseki
- Pepe
- Yoru
- Il
- El
- Temari
- Rhythm
- Daichi
- Kusukusu
- Musashi
Can someone take these pictures of these charas eggs:
- Ran
- Cecil
I found a Yumeiro Patissiere Fandom Wikia
I found a Fandom Of Yumeiro Patissiere Wikia and it has short pages.
If you want to see the Wikia click here
Stop SOPA 2014
Stop SOPA 2014. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Acts. In this case, all fanart will be deleted, all fan-pages, fanfics, fan made videos, etc. Please help stop SOPA.
Get a lot of signatures by 19th Wednesday March 2014
Follow the Link -
cool website
hi everyone I haven't been on for a while soooohere I am so I found this really really cool new website its soooooo cool and creative I thought it was amazing so cheak it out
theres the link
Anime Costumes
Now Halloween approaches and presents an opportunity for children and children at heart to dress up as various cartoon characters. With Japanese animated programs (aka anime) being a huge hit on American shores, anime costumes are also a viable cartoon costume choice. I've noticed a severe lack of guides for doing specific anime costumes on Associated Content and am working to fix that problem. Until I get my anime costumes published, here are my ten favorite cartoon and anime costumes on Associated Content in no particular order.
One of my most memorable things to do for Halloween was dress up as my favorite cartoon character for trick or treating. Perhaps this childish ordeal of being able to escape the monotony of reality in exchange for t…
What is Shugo Chara to me~ And maybe to you~
Okay, so like LOVE Shugo Chara, I just am so in awe with it. I actually found this anime by accident! I read a manga nad just started watching it. I just love it~ The art is actually really good to me, not to sharp not to sloopy, I mean I found some like that, but this is AWESOME! So like I guess you can call me an Otaku now, but I just wished that they made a shrot movie about their future and make it so Tadase and Amu is dating and get into a fight and she looses her Shugo Chara and on the search for them, she doesn't have anyone but Tadase to ask for help, but she doesn't reach the corage to ask him and looks for them for herself. Then she gets in trouble (not sure of a situation now) and she wishes that Tadase would save her, but Ikuto…
I have a problem with my own Wikia
I have this Wikia that I want other members other than me to join in. So what can I do?
If want to you see my Wikia click here.
I just saying that I made a fanfict and hope ppl could read it and tell me what they think of it, plzzzzzzz> hope you all like it! >-<
Should we take pictures of the main Guardian Characters Eggs of the ones who don't have pictures of there egg in the anime?
Do we have chats???
Ok......that is my first question...........Do We Have Chats Here???? DWHCH?????? Ok..... answer me!!!!!!!
Heads up, everyone!
I just figured out that Shugo Chara was NOT dubbed into English. So why are people putting English voice actors for the characters? Shugo Chara wasn't dubbed into English, case closed!
I hope that every one to like my new pictures
I hope that every one like my new PIctures fo Amu Amd please left Comment.
You can read fanfic homemade in my blog, you know! This Fanfic Shugo Chara! Indonesian version!
Heey I know you? I might if you understand the following words: Fly turtle fly! or Arisu Sida & Sora! or Silver rose
If not...well...that was embarassing :3
Ja ne!
♬Shugo Chara Ipods♬
I wonder what do All of the shugo chara characters like to listen to on their ipods? I know i like Avril Lavigne and Owl City but what it comes down to is a video. Yes the one video that will give us our answers. A video that will prove to us, Help us, Teach us. so my dear shugo chara lovers here is what they listen to! this is the real video for it! PLEASE comment and tell meh wat u think!