Shugo Chara! Wiki!
Shugo Chara! Wiki!

Tsumugu Hinamori

Tsumugu Hinamori (日奈森 紡 Hinamori Tsumugu) is a wild bird photographer, the husband of Midori Hinamori and the father of Amu Hinamori and Ami Hinamori.


Tsumugu is a very active and energetic man that Midori Hinamori finds interesting in him, but he is also a devoted man to his daughters where he refers to them with names like "papa's little sparrows" and "papa's shining star".

He is frequently shown taking pictures of Ami Hinamori. However, he overreacts in excitement and happiness at the slightest hint that Amu Hinamori has a relationship with a boy. When he has a fight with Amu's mother, he says that he is leaving, when he only hides in the bathroom.


Midori Hinamori[]

Midori is Tsumugu's wife

Amu Hinamori[]

Amu is Tsugumu's oldest daughter

Ami Hinamori[]

Ami is Tsugumu's youngest daughter

Voice Actor[]

  • In the anime television series, Tsumugu is voiced by Yūsei Oda and Pino Pirovano in the Italian Dub.


  • The name Tsumugu means "spinning" (紡).
  • Tsumugu's surname Hinamori mean "sun, day" (日) (hi), "Nara, what" (奈) (na) and "forest" (森) (mori).

